70 Years After Operation Wetback, Majority of Americans Favor Mass Deportation Again After Pedophile Joe Biden Allows the Invasion of America by Illegal Aliens
A liberal pollster for an ultra-liberal website found that a majority of Americans, including 42% of Democrats, are in favor of the mass deportation of illegal immigrants.
By Susan Duclos
April 30, 2024
The media, on behalf of protecting the criminal Biden regime, continues to claim that illegal immigration does not raise crime rates throughout America, but the fact is that every immigrant that crosses the border illegally, meaning not at a Port of Entry, they are committing a crime.
These crimes are not being counted as crimes, by the "blob" (powers that be), which is why the MSM gets away with making those claims.
There is a law against illegally crossing the border: 8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien
These are laws being completely ignored by the fake Biden regime, Democrats and the media, which are basically all the same things.
Just because the FBI and other officials that keep track of crime in the U.S. don’t count illegal entry as part of their crime statistics, doesn't mean it isn't a crime. That is what the treasonous Biden regime, nor their puppets in the media, won't tell Americans.
Fortunately, Americans are not quite as stupid as the fake new media/Biden regime/Democrats think and hope they are, and they do understand the difference between illegal immigration and legal immigration, and it doesn't hurt that Independent Media, collectively, informs said Americans of the truth that the MSM continues to downplay and/or ignore.
A recent poll for a liberal website, conducted by a Democrat-run pollster, finds that the majority of Americans no longer believe the lies they are being fed by the MSM.
President Donald Trump has been castigated by the criminal liberal press/Biden regime/Democrats for suggesting the need for mass deportation of illegal immigrants (video above) that have been let in by the millions by the fake Biden regime, and he called it what it truly is an invasion.
The liberal website Axios reports on a poll conducted for them by The Harris Poll, which it is worth noting is run by Mark Penn, who was a former pollster for President Clinton.
In other words, a liberal pollster for an ultra-liberal website found that a majority of Americans, including 42% of Democrats, are in favor of the mass deportation of illegal immigrants.
Typical for liberal websites when the topic is illegal immigration, Axios claims that Americans "perceptions" about immigration don’t match the data.’
The same data, from the same sources, does not count illegally crossing the border anywhere except at the Ports of Entry, as a crime, despite there being a U.S. law against illegally entering the U.S., cited and linked to above.
What Americans see, with their own eyes just by reading news reports, is that illegal immigrants are fed, housed, clothes, educated and provided medical care, by American taxpayers, no matter how many liberal websites like Axios, deny it.
As to the crime, well, what Americans know is that despite the MSM claims to the contrary, crimes rates are spiking, when crossing illegally, murders, robbery, squatting, etc... are accurately counted.
They also see videos like the one directly below of illegals swinging bats, belts, and even traffic cones at each other in a wild brawl outside an NYC hotel.
That video was from the New York Post, a conservative outlet, but Americans would be hard-pressed to find that video at any liberal MSM news outlet.
This is why alternative media aka independent media has become critical to keeping Americans informed, especially as the mainstream media skews so far to the left that almost everything they report is to the Democrats' agenda.
In May 2023, the conservative-leaning website Convention of States, partnered with The Trafalgar Group—"one of America’s most accurate pollsters, " and found that a "vast majority" of Americans said that alternative media is vital to keeping the public informed.
The MSM no longer has the influence over what Americans believe, think, or want, and the attacks on independent media stem from that fact.
Granted the name Operation "Wetback" might not have been optimal, but the 1954 immigration law with that name, worked and is much like the actions President Trump has been speaking about.
70 years later Americans are once again angry, this time that their tax dollars are being used to support those who committed a crime as their very first act in the U.S. by crossing the border illegally.
The majority of Americans are still living paycheck to paycheck (65%), still struggling to survive with food costing 20% more than when Imposter-in-Thief Biden took office.
Seeing states receive millions from the federal government, meaning American taxpayers, to support illegal alien criminals, with some of those states providing prepaid credit cards, free food, which many are just tossing into the garbage, and housing to illegal aliens, while many Americans are forced to live on the streets or skip meals, is only intensifying the anger of Americans over illegal immigration.
The Republican "controlled" House of Representatives just passed a $95 billion foreign aid package, helping to protect borders in Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, but zero, zip, zilch to protect American borders, showing that we cannot count on our RINO (Republican In Name Only) politicians to put America, and Americas borders first, so we need an immigration Executive Order, by a real president willing to do it, which Pedophile Biden won't, that will round up illegal aliens and deport them en masse.
America Can Mass Deport Illegal Aliens, and We Know This Because It’s Done So Before