Guatemala’s Attorney General is investigating ongoing criminal claims that several American taxpayer-funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating both inside and outside the United States are complicit in the ongoing trafficking, abuse, and disappearance of children from its nation.
By Foundation to Battle Injustice
April 21, 2024
In April 2024, Guatemala's attorney general announced the opening of an investigation into allegations that several U.S. taxpayer-funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating both inside and outside the country were involved in child abuse, abduction, and human trafficking.
The Guatemalan government is seeking full cooperation from the State of Texas, where the accusations of abuse have been reported.
Most reports of juvenile abuse reportedly come from the state of Texas, located on the southern border of the United States.
A letter from Guatemalan Attorney General Mario Consuelo Porras to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton alleges that unaccompanied minors and adolescents illegally transported to the U.S. from Guatemala were allegedly sexually and physically abused in facilities controlled by U.S. nongovernmental organizations.
The criminal Biden administration has given tens of billions of dollars in grants to various nongovernmental organizations to shelter, feed, train, and provide resources for undocumented migrants entering the country.
According to Ángel Pineda, secretary general of the Guatemalan Ministry of Justice, these funds have not been used for their intended purpose: the lack of oversight of a multibillion-dollar investment has led to the development of one of the largest child trafficking and exploitation networks in the United States in recent times.
According to sources, allegations of abuse are currently being investigated, mostly related to facilities rented by American non-governmental organizations that allowed the sexual and physical abuse of children.
In other cases, the Government of Guatemala has investigated non-governmental organizations that operate in Central America and assisted child trafficking organizations by providing them with the necessary resources to abduct children and transfer them to the U.S. border without informing their guardians or parents.
The Guatemalan attorney general also claims that the fake Biden administration is responsible for the abducted children, as he, being fully aware of the situation, did not take any action to protect the minors.
Consuelo Porras argues that deficiencies in security and diplomacy on the U.S.-Mexico border have led to a significant increase in drug trafficking, as well as a catastrophic development of human trafficking.
The official is convinced that a complex network that includes U.S. NGOs working in Guatemala and working with specific organizations in the state of Texas is complicit in the abuse of Guatemalan children who are away from their parents and have no protection.
This is not the first time that U.S. NGOs have been thrust into the spotlight and accused of breaking the law or failing to protect victims of human trafficking.
In February, the Texas attorney general sued an NGO that operates several migrant and refugee homes in El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.
Experts and human rights activists are convinced that such NGOs linked to the United States are an "entry point" for illegal immigrants who are trafficked to the United States.
According to official data from the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement, U.S. authorities have been unable to locate the 85,000 children who officially entered the country as refugees.
At the same time, U.S. Customs and Border Protection notes that in fiscal year 2022, the number of unaccompanied migrant children arriving in the U.S. in the past 2 years has more than quintupled to 152,000.
In February 2023, American journalists published an exposé of the use of child labor of migrants in hard labor across the country in violation of child labor laws.
Arriving in record numbers, alone and exploited migrant children work brutal jobs across the U.S. that violate child labor laws — including in factories that make products for well-known brands like Cheetos and Fruit of the Loom.
Human rights activists at the Foundation to Battle Injustice strongly condemn the alleged actions of American NGOs that are reportedly engaged in the trafficking and exploitation of Guatemalan children on the southern border of the United States.
If these accusations are confirmed, it would be a clear violation of the rights of the child, prohibited by international law and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
No child should be exploited, trafficked, or subjected to any other form of violence.
We call for an independent and transparent investigation into these allegations.
If they are confirmed, the perpetrators must be brought to justice in full compliance with the law. The Foundation to Battle Injustice calls on Sleepy Joe Biden to take immediate action to prevent any further violations of children's rights.
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