The Deep State, a shadowy network of powerful entities operating behind the scenes, appears to have orchestrated this event to remove a real president who posed a threat to their clandestine operation
I read that the Secret Service denies the existence of Jonathan Willis within their organization. I don’t know if I can believe them given what we witnessed Saturday.
If this was not an ENTRAPMENT of the Secret Service agent, scrub the law from the books. They even set up the ladder for the poor goof sacrificed 'assassin'. The whole scene, the lack of a wound but presence of a little splatter of a red viscous liquid. MULTIPLE SHOOTERS INTO A CROWD, but only a couple grams of a viscous red liquid form an obviously undamaged ear on the right side of unbuttoned button/head down President Trump. In the past, I have shot up a 50 round box of .22 shells in just one weekend. This scene is not believable. Greenberg Actors' School is slipping, which is good. Not slipped enough.
I read that the Secret Service denies the existence of Jonathan Willis within their organization. I don’t know if I can believe them given what we witnessed Saturday.
If this was not an ENTRAPMENT of the Secret Service agent, scrub the law from the books. They even set up the ladder for the poor goof sacrificed 'assassin'. The whole scene, the lack of a wound but presence of a little splatter of a red viscous liquid. MULTIPLE SHOOTERS INTO A CROWD, but only a couple grams of a viscous red liquid form an obviously undamaged ear on the right side of unbuttoned button/head down President Trump. In the past, I have shot up a 50 round box of .22 shells in just one weekend. This scene is not believable. Greenberg Actors' School is slipping, which is good. Not slipped enough.
we need to expose the upper secret service agents who gave the stand down orders to engage the shooter. Name them by name ........