It’s a crying shame these drs are just as guilty as our poor piss government .. I trust no one at a hospital or never will I see a dr ever again in this lifetime. God is my Physician and always has been.. I pray they find God before they die or they all will burn in an eternal HELL..

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It is a good thing then that we all were exposed to a Charles M. Lieber EMF/biowarfare cause for this mRNA disease and shedding. He still is in prison, right? I interviewed 5 local doctors. All expressed shame of violating the Hippocratic Oath. All 5 expressed shame violating the trust of their patients. All 5 were threatened with losing their license to practice by the AMA if they told what they were really doing. All 5 were threatened with losing their hospital and clinic jobs if they told what the 'COVID-19' campaign was about. Hang them all. Three of my friends are DEAD with many others under different stages of disrepair because of these coked up swine. My 'A' in Microbiology was nothing compared to the images of white coats. The CPA handling family business was told that if she took a Billkill death jab, she was fired, and she should wait just two months. She waited until this minute and she is alive and healthy. Her boss belittled my 'A' in Microbiology and investigation, which PROVED the lethal nature of the Charles M. Lieber biowarfare systems released in Wuhan, Kirkland Washington, Italy, and elsewhere, and she died young, within just a few months of the Wuhan release at the meeting of 110 nations for a new international banking system. A chimp could figure this one out. They seem to be nailing accountants who could testify to money laundering. Look up who financed and blew up the WTC, Fukushima, The Deepwater Horizon. Lahaina, Acapulco, Palestine, and more. The London Privy Council's Lord Mark Mallach Brown figures heavily. The American food processing centers' destruction is an allied cult.

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