'I don't know what I'll end up doing'. President Trump says he wants to “demolish the Deep State.” His running mate has urged him to fire “every civil servant.”
Should have done it first time around but worse he actually appointed even deeper state cabal on the instructions of the traitors implanted Globalists advisors. eg Dr. Foul-Chi and all his tainted cabal of Health Agency implanted leadership traitors. Why allow the vax mandate against entire US military rendering them downgraded so now any military defence from likely internal or external invasions would likely collapse. Some bad advised leadership decisions that reflected Globalist demands rather than common sense right man for the right job decision ....... as he promised he would but got diverted. Is Trump the worlds saviour or just another Globalist Trojan Horse? Time will reveal all.
Should have done it first time around but worse he actually appointed even deeper state cabal on the instructions of the traitors implanted Globalists advisors. eg Dr. Foul-Chi and all his tainted cabal of Health Agency implanted leadership traitors. Why allow the vax mandate against entire US military rendering them downgraded so now any military defence from likely internal or external invasions would likely collapse. Some bad advised leadership decisions that reflected Globalist demands rather than common sense right man for the right job decision ....... as he promised he would but got diverted. Is Trump the worlds saviour or just another Globalist Trojan Horse? Time will reveal all.