Sounds a bit like biowarfare

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We know from the February 1917 Congressional Quarterly that American news media became Council on Foreign Relations propaganda material as of 1911, when the CFR purchases of all influential American newspapers began. ACCEPTANCE of turning American news media into a dishonest propaganda machine led to Americans' acceptance of disgusting lies and fraud as daily fare. Combine that with these same swine developing prion poisons from mRNA technology and a very disturbing pattern immediately becomes apparent, except to the swine themselves and those already too far gone to do much beyond suckling at their television sets. AMERICA, TURN OFF YOUR GOD DAMNED TO HELL TELEVISION SETS and do your homework. I loved my mother and grandmothers. They took care of us and in return, we scrambled to keep them happy too. But if their dear souls looked down from Heaven and saw me watching television, I soon would have nightmares of their rotting corpses climbing up my legs with knives clenched in their teeth. I won't go there.

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