These people are pigs. The CJ 'End Times' campaign began under Constantine, and this 'COVID/Fukushima/DeepWater Horizon/World Trade Center series of events has ALL been carried out by the same group. LOOK IT UP you lazy maggots and say it out loud. Who has been doing this? Is it the environmentalists? No. The cell phone tower systems which work with the 60 + U.S. Patented biowarfare poisons are STILL ready. LOOK IT UP. Charles M. Lieber U.S. Patents. He set up the 5G/biowarfare grid in China to dose then kill off dissidents to CCP communism. Then they dosed the U.S. with the inoculations and various graphene hydroxide compound in the food. Due to its CFR programming, your first move should be to cut the power cord on your television set AND LEAVE IT until further notice. The ONLY safety testing of the COVID 'vaccine' was on 13 ferrets and they all soon died. LOOK IT UP.

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Every single person on the media and politicians should be in jail. They still have around the clock commercials pushing the death jab. No one politician or their family died, not 1 rich person or family died? They all knew and people got a death sentence because they believed in the government and media. We know now why the NG will be bought in. Very sad mankind has destroyed our world. Humanity will be the elites. This has to be stopped 🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑. To much 🩸🩸🩸🩸lost with a silent war. Invisible Ark folks.

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