Truth-tellers would later be targeted by the federal government for spreading “disinformation”. Lock downs, fear propaganda, and vaccine mandates were all planned in 2019 at Event 201.
'The government' did NOT make up the 'COVID-19' fraud and subsequent restrictions and conditions. The Pirbright Institute, Pilgrim Society, Fauci/Gates, and a pantheon of swine elected to American government by the CFR hypnotized television audience did it. REMEMBER the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Lockstep Plandemic playbook. This would have gotten ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE without Council on Foreign Relations and Commonwealth Press Union cooperation. IT WAS NOT THE GOVERNMENT. It was the stampeding CFR hypnotized sheeple who gave these elected maggots the impression that theirs' was a work of genius. It was not. I aced Microbiology in school. Very similar to a job at Starbucks, except DON"T DARE taste anything. It took me until 3 weeks after Wuhan to know they were not vaccinating for a virus. Just a very few weeks after Wuhan, 29 people at the old folks' home in Kirkland Washington near Bill Gates' house dying in a week from 'COVID-19' while situated in the center of the strongest 5G grid in the U.S. at the time was a main clue.
'The government' did NOT make up the 'COVID-19' fraud and subsequent restrictions and conditions. The Pirbright Institute, Pilgrim Society, Fauci/Gates, and a pantheon of swine elected to American government by the CFR hypnotized television audience did it. REMEMBER the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Lockstep Plandemic playbook. This would have gotten ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE without Council on Foreign Relations and Commonwealth Press Union cooperation. IT WAS NOT THE GOVERNMENT. It was the stampeding CFR hypnotized sheeple who gave these elected maggots the impression that theirs' was a work of genius. It was not. I aced Microbiology in school. Very similar to a job at Starbucks, except DON"T DARE taste anything. It took me until 3 weeks after Wuhan to know they were not vaccinating for a virus. Just a very few weeks after Wuhan, 29 people at the old folks' home in Kirkland Washington near Bill Gates' house dying in a week from 'COVID-19' while situated in the center of the strongest 5G grid in the U.S. at the time was a main clue.