Americans Have Learned from The Horrific Four Years of The Fake Biden Regime, That Our Government and Its Institutions — The FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc. Are Deeply Corrupt
Americans for 8 years have suffered under this circus. Our laws are a joke. They allow a takeover from evil creatures, they allowed a genocide and the killing of millions is wildlife. The people in charge of this sacrifice of American citizens is 👿 also. Vets thrown out of their homes, children frozen to death in their parents arms but have you noticed nothing happened to rich families period. Their children never gets vaccinated, their children don’t get kicked and beated in their private schools. If you think Americans that fought and worked for this country are even a second though by these so called biblical cryers of God? Well you’re wrong. All the time the greedy rich have created wars and power grabs.since the Roman times Christians have never been nothing else but taxed and used. I have faith God sees all. Using his name for the greed of the earth and deaths of his creation is the sin folks. Tears for our nation.
Americans for 8 years have suffered under this circus. Our laws are a joke. They allow a takeover from evil creatures, they allowed a genocide and the killing of millions is wildlife. The people in charge of this sacrifice of American citizens is 👿 also. Vets thrown out of their homes, children frozen to death in their parents arms but have you noticed nothing happened to rich families period. Their children never gets vaccinated, their children don’t get kicked and beated in their private schools. If you think Americans that fought and worked for this country are even a second though by these so called biblical cryers of God? Well you’re wrong. All the time the greedy rich have created wars and power grabs.since the Roman times Christians have never been nothing else but taxed and used. I have faith God sees all. Using his name for the greed of the earth and deaths of his creation is the sin folks. Tears for our nation.