The Russian Army pulled the condemned from their cells 25 at a time. They received no trials, last meals, Last Rites, or final words. A firing squad taught them the consequences of vaccine adherence.
I, myself, interviewed 5 local physicians here on the Big Island of Hawaii regarding this (at that time) new vaccine program that had not been tested beyond 13 ferrets( which all soon died). WHY they did recommend and in cases support MANDATORY 'C.OVID-19' inoculations, which were not even tested vaccines? All 5 physician were ashamed of violating The Hippocratic Oath. THEY KNEW THEY WERE DOING HARM. All 5 were ashamed of betraying the trust of their patients. All 5 were threatened with losing their license to practice should they describe the REAL reason for the shots. Two of them admitted to accepting bribes. One from Fauci/Gates. One from Joe Biden's group. In my researched opinion, VPutin is on to something important for society in general to note. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
Is this for real this news ?
I, myself, interviewed 5 local physicians here on the Big Island of Hawaii regarding this (at that time) new vaccine program that had not been tested beyond 13 ferrets( which all soon died). WHY they did recommend and in cases support MANDATORY 'C.OVID-19' inoculations, which were not even tested vaccines? All 5 physician were ashamed of violating The Hippocratic Oath. THEY KNEW THEY WERE DOING HARM. All 5 were ashamed of betraying the trust of their patients. All 5 were threatened with losing their license to practice should they describe the REAL reason for the shots. Two of them admitted to accepting bribes. One from Fauci/Gates. One from Joe Biden's group. In my researched opinion, VPutin is on to something important for society in general to note. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.