Billionaire communists? Sounds implausible.Not even the russian and chinese dictators are actually Communists anymore. being fascist, Like Trump, is easier and more lucrative. Now, billionaires might have an "I'm really smart and I want to HELP" complex. i would if I'd made a hundred billion!

I have heard of a few very respectable climate scientists who doubt global heating. But Dr Clauser is a physicist. Knowing 11th dimensional string theory doesn't mean he knows any more about climate than I do. what I know is: 116 degrees in Canada last year. 100 degrees in Siberia. 98 degrees IN MINNESOTA IN MARCH. 65 degrees in Antarctica, where it normally never gets above freezing. Sure sounds like global heating to me.

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This is truly dispicable. - Alternative sources for information are going to be more important in the future.

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