Powerful forces are working to scrub the internet clean, wiping away records, removing access to archived content, and rewriting our collective digital memory.
This is 100% happening! It's so frustrating because I go to a site called curezone. org for all things alternative natural healing and now it's been cherry picked and whoever is censoring this type of information obviously wants us sick and dead. I was able to help a friend cure her own cancer by using the information I found on acurezone forum and now it's all gone. I click on a link and I get a 404 message every..single...time! Not cool!
This is 100% happening! It's so frustrating because I go to a site called curezone. org for all things alternative natural healing and now it's been cherry picked and whoever is censoring this type of information obviously wants us sick and dead. I was able to help a friend cure her own cancer by using the information I found on acurezone forum and now it's all gone. I click on a link and I get a 404 message every..single...time! Not cool!
This is like modern day book burning!