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Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people. H.L. Mencken NEVER give a box of hand grenades to a room full of baboons unless you want REALLY bad things to happen to the baboons. God, Gaea, Pele, Thor, Hel, et al created man, woman, computers and guitars. Baboons created a-holes. And one other thing. The CFR, CIA, and Cerinthus, scribe to Constantine the Roman emperor were REAL propaganda masters. People still believe that the Book of Revelations was sent to us by God. Not. Obama sold himself and GHWBush cocaine from the Waikiki Baskin Robbins as a youth. He disappeared for awhile and returned sporting a Connecticut Social Security card. The CIA sealed ALL of BHObama's records for the election, and coincidentally has an experimental hospital in Canada just over the border from Connecticut, AND lobotomies do not create zombies. Lobotomies create obedient subjects with no connection to emotions. Their emotions are all rehearsed and faked. Obama was a tool from the beginning. Joementia was a vicious hoodlum who was executed and replaced by actors we may call Rubber Creepy Joementia Bribn' Biden. Same with Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates. Fauci's ears are a clue.

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